Sweet potato race cakes

Sweet potato race cakes

Sweet potato race cakes

By far my most popular recipe, I’m happy you love it :) 

(NB! DANSK opskrift - scroll ned)

It features in my coming cookbook, the cake cookbook  pre-order your bundle now - it includes a live online baking class with me ✨

Please don’t forget to share your race cakes with me on Instagram @dailystews! 
Feel free to link to my recipe, but please don’t copy paste and share the recipe on your own platforms, this is copyright infringement 🙏  thank you, now let’s get baking!

Yield: 12 cakes muffin size

Prep time: 10 minutes
Baking time: 25-30 minutes

Recipe Ingredients:

  • 300 g (2 cups) baked sweet potato
  • 4 eggs
  • 65 g rolled oats (2/3 cup)
  • 2 tbsp shredded coconut
  • 6 dates
  • 2 tbsp (topped) of firm honey (or 3 tbsp liquid)
  • 1 tsp vanilla powder/essence
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • zest and juice of 1 lime
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 100 g (1/4 cup + 2 tbsp) melted coconut oil or similar (or butter if you wanna go nuts)
  • 30 g (1/4 cup) blueberries - fresh or frozen
  • 30 g (1/4 cup) raspberries - fresh or frozen
  • shredded coconut for dusting
Add Protein:
You can easily add protein to these race cakes, and if you do, I recommend that you substitute the oats or some of

Before you start here is a TIP:

You can bake them in muffin paper cups, to make it extra easy to bring along. I recommend placing the paper cups in a muffin tin, to prevent the batter from escaping... Just saying!

Step pre 1.
If you have not baked the sweet potato, NOW is the time to crank up that oven to 200 *c/395*F and place those whole sweet potatoes, on a baking tray with the skin on and bake until they are completely tender - the big ones takes about 45-50 minutes, smaller ones - less. Cool them down before step 2.

Step 1.
Now that you have the baked sweet potato and cooled it down - get your blender out. Pre-heat the oven to 170*c/340*F

Step 2.
Blend all the ingredients EXCEPT the coconut oil AND the berries - it goes in later. Blend until smooth.

Step 3.
Then add in the melted coconut oil whilst blending at low-medium speed.

Now taste the batter - you can add more spices, zest or sweetener if you wish to.

Step 4.
Grease your muffin tins/paper cups and dust them with shredded coconut.

Step 5.
Rinse the berries if you are using fresh ones.

Step 6.
Spoon the batter into the tins/paper cups and press the berries into the batter. If you are bringing them to a race or a training session, make sure to cover the berries completely.

Now depending on how much batter you spoon in each cup, the baking time will vary. Try and keep them as flat as possible, about an inch/ 2,5-3 cm.

Step 7.
Bake it! 25-30 minutes. If you have a modern oven with a fan the baking time is more towards 25 minutes and if you don't it's 30 minutes- ish.

Rotate the cakes one or twice during the baking time to ensure even baking - you know your oven best - mine is most aggressive towards the back left corner.

Step 8.
The cakes are done when They are golden brown and firm.

Cool down and either serve straight away or wrap it for your training or that important race day.

NOTE: You can substitute the berries for more or less any fruit - plums, peaches, pears etc. be creative!

Sweet potato Race cakes - DANSK

Giver 12 stk Race cakes

Forberedelsestid: 10 minutter

Bagetid: 25-30 minutter



300 g bagt sød kartoffel 

Bages mør med skind på ved 200*c i ca. 45-50 min.

4 æg

65 g havregryn 

2 spsk. revet kokos

6 dadler

2 spsk. fast honning 

½ vaniljestang 

1 tsk kanel

2 tsk bagepulver

skal og saft af 1 lime

1/2 tsk. salt

100 g smeltet kokosolie eller lignende 

30     blåbær - friske eller frosne

30 hindbær - friske eller frosne

2. spsk. revet kokosnød til bunden


1. Tænd ovnen på 170*c/340*F

2. Blend alle ingredienserne uden kokosolie og bær – det skal i senere.

3. Tilsæt derefter den smeltede kokosolie, imens du blender ved lav til medium hastighed. Smag nu til dejen med mere kanel, limeskal eller honning, hvis du ønsker det.

4. Smør din muffinsform og drys dem med kokosmel. Bruger du papirskopper, kan du bare drysse lidt kokosmel i bunden.

5. Skyl bærrene, hvis du bruger friske bær.

6. Fyld dejen i formene/papirbægre med en spsk. og tryk bærrene ned i dejen. Hvis du tager dem med til et løb eller et træningspas, så sørg for at dække bærrene helt til, så de ikke splatter ud i din lomme. 

Afhængigt af hvor store dine forme er og hvor meget dej du fylder i hver, vil bagetiden variere. Prøv at holde dem omkring 2,5-3 cm i højden.

7. Bag dem! De skal ha’ ca. 25 minutter ved varmluft. og 30 min. i alm. ovn.
Roter muffinformen en eller to gange i løbet af bagetiden for at sikre en jævn bagning - du kender din ovn bedst - min er mest aggressiv mod bagerste venstre hjørne, så der skal jeg lige være lidt mere vaks og holde øje.

8. Kagerne er færdige, når de er gyldenbrune og faste.

Køl ned og server med det samme til en festlig lejlighed eller pak den ind til din træning eller den vigtige løbsdag.

BEMÆRK: Du kan erstatte bærrene med mere eller mindre enhver frugt - blommer, ferskner, pærer osv. vær kreativ!


Thanks for baking!

- Hannah

ps. Pre order your cake cookbook bundle here!





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